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Ask The Doctors!
We hope that this monthly blog is a helpful resource that answers questions you've always wanted the answers to! If you would like to suggest a question for our doctors, feel free to email

Kerry C. Bullerdick, M.D.
Apr 8, 2020
Should I be tested for sexually transmitted infections (STI/STDs) and what STI tests should I get?
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) there are about 20 million new cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs)...

Nan Wang, MD
Feb 14, 2020
The “pill” doesn’t work for me, but I don’t want to be pregnant. Is there anything else I can do?
The birth control pill is the most common reversible form of birth control, but there are also many reasons the birth control pill is not...

Dennis J. Van Zant, MD
Jan 8, 2020
Cervical Health Awareness
January is Cervical Health Awareness Month (as designated by the United States Congress, who knew!). The cervix is the lower portion of...

Keisha L. French, M.D.
Oct 11, 2019
What is my risk for breast cancer?
In the United States, a woman’s lifetime risk of developing breast cancer is 1 in 8. Risk factors for breast cancer include: sex (female)...

Kerry C. Bullerdick, M.D.
Sep 13, 2019
Should I do monthly breast exams? How do I do a self breast exam?
This is a more complex question than you might think. A routine breast self-exam was once recommended to be performed by all women every...

Nancy Hancock, MD
Aug 7, 2019
New Information Changes How We Practice
Research gives new information that changes how we care for our patients. Much has been learned about cervical cancer, where it comes...

Keisha L. French, M.D.
Jul 11, 2019
I have fibroids. What does that mean?
Uterine leiomyomas, fibroids, are benign growth of tissue in the uterus. Depending on the size and location of the fibroid, patients can...

Kerry C. Bullerdick, MD
Jun 13, 2019
Is it okay for me to take birth control pills continuously and not have a period?
There are many women who would prefer just to skip “that time of the month.” Fortunately, for a majority of women, there are several...

Kerry C. Bullerdick, M.D.
Apr 10, 2019
My daughter is just coming in for birth control. Will she be getting a vaginal exam?
Such a good question! Like most things, it depends. A new patient visit for “just birth control” is so much more than just getting...

Nancy L. Hancock, M.D.
Jan 21, 2019
I’m a patient of Nash Ob-Gyn, but I’m not 18. What are you going to tell my mom or dad?
What you talk about with your doctor is private, and there are laws in North Carolina that help protect your privacy. We are not allowed...

Nancy L. Hancock, M.D.
Oct 23, 2018
Do I need to get a mammogram every year?
Mammograms are performed as a screening test to detect breast cancer. Screening tests are performed because the test can detect a disease...

Nancy L. Hancock, M.D.
Sep 24, 2018
I’m scheduled for an ultrasound because I’m having some pain. What kind of ultrasound will this be?
Most gynecologic ultrasounds are pelvic ultrasounds. The pelvic ultrasound allows visualization of the female pelvic organs including the...

Nancy L. Hancock, M.D.
Aug 17, 2018
I’m 65 and haven’t had a period in years but now I’m bleeding. Should I be concerned?
Vaginal bleeding after menopause isn't normal and should be evaluated. The least likely but most concerning reason for bleeding after...

Kerry C. Bullerdick, M.D.
Jul 20, 2018
I think I have a UTI. Can the doctor call in some medicine for me?
Urinary tract infections, or UTIs, are the most common bacterial infections in women. Approximately 50% of women will experience at least...

Nancy L. Hancock, M.D.
Jul 24, 2017
At what age does one stop having yearly pap smears? After that age is reached, other than breast exa
The pap smear is a screening test for cancer of the cervix. The age to stop screening depends on how frequently you have been screened in...
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