Do I need to get a mammogram every year?
Ask The Doctors!
We hope that this monthly blog is a helpful resource that answers questions you've always wanted the answers to! If you would like to suggest a question for our doctors, feel free to email
I’m scheduled for an ultrasound because I’m having some pain. What kind of ultrasound will this be?
I’m 65 and haven’t had a period in years but now I’m bleeding. Should I be concerned?
I think I have a UTI. Can the doctor call in some medicine for me?
At what age does one stop having yearly pap smears? After that age is reached, other than breast exa
I haven’t had a period in several months and my pregnancy test is negative. What does that mean? Sho
How do you determine my baby's due date?
I’ve been bleeding ever since I got my IUD. Is that normal? How long will it last?
I’m pregnant and already have to use the bathroom a lot. Why does everyone keep telling me to drink
How many ultrasounds will I have to see my baby? My friend said she had an ultrasound every 2 weeks.
Is my cold sore an STD? Someone told me it was caused by Herpes.
When should I stop working during my pregnancy?
Why do I have to meet all the doctors during my pregnancy? Why can’t I just see MY doctor?