Cost of Prenatal Care
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Our obstetrical fee covers your prenatal office visits, hospital care for your delivery and immediate postpartum period, and your postpartum office visit [approximately six weeks after delivery]. You will be charged a flat fee for your obstetrical care. We believe a flat fee service, rather than per visit charges, encourages you to report symptoms promptly and ultimately results in early investigation and detection of problems. Early detection and prevention of obstetrical complications leads to improved care and pregnancy outcomes and in the long run costs less. If there are complications, that require hospitalization during pregnancy or operative procedures, you will be billed accordingly. Ultrasounds and fetal testing will be billed on an individual basis.
After your initial appointment with the Nurse Educator, our Business Office will review your insurance benefits to determine your co-insurance responsibility. You will receive a letter from the Business Office stating your expected financial responsibility for your prenatal care fees. Upon receipt of this information, our staff will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have regarding your fees.
You will receive a separate bill from the hospital for the charges related to your labor, delivery, and newborn care. For information on hospital charges, you can contact the Business Office at 252.962.8030.
You should expect to receive separate bills for prenatal laboratory services, Pap smears, anesthesia during delivery, and circumcision. Laboratory services are billed by Quest Labs. Pap smears are billed through Eastern NC Pathology. Circumcision for male infants may be billed by your pediatrician or through the hospital. Anesthesia services will be billed by the anesthesiologist.