Uterine leiomyomas, fibroids, are benign growth of tissue in the uterus. Depending on the size and location of the fibroid, patients can have symptoms of: pain, pressure, heavy bleeding, and sometimes infertility. There are also times when a fibroid is found and the patient is experiencing no symptoms at all. When a patient comes into the office for fibroids, it is our goal to evaluate and explore your symptoms. Based on the location of the fibroid and your symptoms will determine an individualized treatment plan. If the fibroid is not causing any symptoms at all, no further treatment is required at that time.
Fibroid growth is thought to be linked to estrogen. Uterine fibroids are most commonly discovered during pregnancy, or in the perimenopausal state when there is a spike in estrogen.
Treatment options for uterine leiomyomas start with conservative management and can progress to surgical management. Conservative management includes: pain medication (Aleve, ibuprofen) and control of heavy menses (contraception options, gonadotrophin agonists, or progesterone modulators). If conservative management does not work, then surgical options can include: hysteroscopy, myomectomy, endometrial ablation, uterine artery embolization, or hysterectomy. Surgical options are not without their own risks and should be weighed against the potential benefit for the patient.

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