Recommended Websites
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The Internet offers unlimited access to worlds of information. However, information gathered through internet resources should be used with caution as not all information sites have accurate and/or reliable medical information. We encourage our patients to feel free to ask medical providers questions regarding their care. Reliable sources include:
Adolescent / Teen Health:
www.shiftnc.org - SHIFT NC (Sexual Health Initiatives for Teens)
Birth Control:
www.womenshealth.gov/breastfeeding (Breastfeeding)
www.breastfeednc.com (Breastfeeding)
www.newmomhealth.com/coronavirus-for-new-moms (For New Moms)
www.everymothercounts.org/covid-resource-hub (Maternal and Infant Health)
(COVID-19, Pregnancy, and Breastfeeding) -
COVID Vaccine information – We understand that there are many questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, especially for pregnant and breastfeeding women. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has detailed information and recommendations that our providers encourage all patients to reference to better help them make an informed choice about the vaccine. Read More >
The physicians of Nash Ob-Gyn strongly encourage all of our patients to consider getting a COVID vaccine. Vaccination is considered an effective protection against illness from COVID-19 when part of a multi-layered approach. We encourage you to read more information about COVID-19 vaccination so that you can make an informed choice. The following organizations recommend the vaccine for those who are pregnant or wanting to become pregnant (Click to Read More):
Domestic Violence:
General Information:
www.acog.org/womens-health (The American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists): general pregnancy and women's health information
*The New ACOG Patient Website is Now Live (October 2020)! All content is developed with ACOG guidelines, reviewed by ACOG members, and crafted to align with health literacy standards.
www.mombaby.org (UNC Website): general pregnancy and women's health information; choose "Resources for women, babies, and families"
www.womenshealth.gov (General pregnancy and women's health information)
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
www.slate.com/technology/2019/12/genital-herpes-stigma-history-explained.html: How Herpes Became a Sexual Boogeyman
Mental Health:
mchb.hrsa.gov/national-maternal-mental-health-hotline (Maternal Mental Health Hotline)
www.postpartum.net (Postpartum Support International)
Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss:
nationalshare.org (English) | nationalshare.org/share-espanolesperanza (Spanish)
www.nutritionnc.com (North Carolina WIC Program)
Postpartum Health (4th Trimester):
Preconceptual Health:
www.everywomannc.org (In Spanish - latinasananc.org)
Pregnancy & Childbirth:
www.marchofdimes.org (In Spanish - nacersano.marchofdimes.org)
mothertobaby.org (Medication and other exposures in pregnancy); can also call 1-800-532-6302, or text questions to 1-855-999-9325
www.cdc.gov/hearher/maternal-warning-signs/index.html (Warning signs to watch for during pregnancy and in the year after delivery)
https://utswmed.org/medblog/fetal-hiccups-pregnancy/ (Information on Fetal Hiccups)
Prenatal Information:
Sleep Safety for Infants:
Smoking Cessation:
www.youquittwoquit.org (Smoking cessation)
NC Quitline at 1-800-784-8669. Support is available 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.
Travel Information:
www.cdc.gov (Vaccine, travel, and infection related information)
Zika Virus: